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biao 输送设备的包括哪几中分类                Date: 2014/1/2


      A traction piece conveyor generally include traction, bearing components, driving device, a tensioning device, and supporting device etc redirection.
    牵引件用以传递牵引力,可采用输送带、牵引链或钢丝绳;承载构件用以承放物料,有料斗、托架或吊具等;驱动装置给输送机以动力,一般由电念头、减速器和制动器(休止器)等组成;张紧装置一般有螺杆式和重锤式两种,可使牵引件保持一定的张力和垂度,以保证输送机正常运转;支承件用以承托牵引件或承载构件,可采用托辊、滚轮等。  Traction device is used to transmit tractive force, the conveyor belt, traction chain or wire rope; bearing component used for bearing material, the hopper, bracket or spreader; driving device for conveyor with power, generally by the electric motor, a reducer and a brake ( endless device ) etc.; general screw tensioning device type and weight type two, can make the traction to keep certain tension and sag, in order to ensure the normal operation of conveyor; a support for supporting the traction parts or components, the roller, roller.


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